Dear Sun, Please Shine

I'm only 23 years old and I already have a 2 year old son and I'm going through a divorce. The day I started this blog is the day that I decided it was time to move on. I'm the kind of person that find's humor in everything. Through my hard times, I will forever wear a smile on my face. Though life is rainy now, I say : Dear Sun, Please Shine. And someday it will :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time for a Change.

I've always prided myself in being a good person. I'm polite to those who are rude. I say nice things about those who say mean things about me (usually..). I tolerate people who disrespect me.. I forgive people who do the unforgivable. Just because that is who i am. But maybe that's something i need to change about myself. Not completely.. Because i don't want to turn into one of those people that hates the world. Because if that were the case..I have every reason to hate the world lol.

I think being too nice is what got me to where i'm at now. I feel like people walk all over me. I feel like sometimes they take advantage of me..they take me for granted. I don't want to be THAT person anymore. I want to be a good person..but not allow people to think i'm a push over. I want to be RESPECTED.

I don't want to talk too much about what goes on in real life. You never know who is reading.. But, I do want to acknowledge that what happened last night is what made me come to this realization. I gave a lot to someone who didn't appreciate any of it. And normally I would just shrug it off and say "Amanda, you did the right thing." This time, I said to myself "Amanda, you ARE doing the right thing" but for a totally different reason. I offered my money, i offered my help. I offered this to someone that just wanted to use me. And then... I took it all back. Took my money back and left them to help themselves. It hurt me to do it. I contemplated running back and giving it all back. I literally had to fight myself. But i just kept saying in my head "you need to do this. you need to make it stop. you need to stand up for yourself"..and that's what i did. and let me tell you..right now, i feel DAMN good about it.

I also did something else i probably didn't need to do..but again, because i'm a good person i did. but this, i do not regret. because the person i offered my help to..accepted and appreciated it. it was a life changing move, on my part and on theirs. having someone hear me..and understand me..and TRUST me.. has made ME realize that i AM better off. because knowing that someone else saw it..made me realize I AM NOT CRAZY! this IS how this person is. and if i could stop them from getting involved in the nonsense..then i did a good job. *pat on my back*

I made a bold move. I asked to meet with her and she accepted. This is a big deal to me. and this is also a big deal for her. That's all I am going to say about that! don't want to get in any trouble..because again, you never know who is reading! and i don't want to upset anyone.

So, here's to being nice with caution!


At January 24, 2010 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sorry you are going through such a difficult time. just keep praying to the lord. the lord is with you and he loves you so you are never truly alone even without your son.
you will be okay. i know it.
your a good mom.


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